

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore some of the most common questions asked by our potential clients previously! You can also reach out to me for further inquiries.
Home consultations: For those who prefer the convenience and comfort of their own space, I move to your home. This option is ideal if you have a busy job, have mobility constraints, or simply want to benefit from a consultation in a familiar environment. During these sessions, I can also get an overview of your food environment and offer you more personalized advice. Consultations in the office: If you prefer a personal meeting outside of your home, I welcome you to my office. This option allows you to meet in a professional and neutral setting conducive to exchange and discussion about your nutritional health journey. In both cases, I commit to providing attentive listening, personalized advice, and nutritional plans tailored to your health and well-being goals.
I do not propose strictly personalized meal plans, but I create adaptive nutritional plans that align with your lifestyle habits, preferences, and health goals. My approach is to integrate nutrition smoothly into your daily life, providing you with the tools and knowledge to make informed food choices that support your well-being without imposing a rigid diet. The idea is to guide you towards a healthy diet that adapts to you, not the other way around.
Yes, I have significant experience accompanying people dealing with conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and eating behavior disorders. My approach integrates neuro-linguistic programming (PNL) and new code neuro-lingual programming to help people with difficulty effectively. These techniques work on eating behaviors, beliefs, and habits, thus providing customized strategies for better health and well-being management. My goal is to provide appropriate support to encourage positive and lasting changes in your relationship with food.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (PNL) is a powerful tool that I use as part of nutrition programs to support my clients in achieving their health and well-being goals. Thanks to my training in NLP and New Code NLP, I can offer a complementary approach to traditional nutritional advice. Here is how NLP can be beneficial: Achievement of objectives: NLP helps to clarify and strengthen motivation towards nutritional goals, aligning conscious and unconscious aspirations to facilitate change. Allergy relief and intolerance treatment: By working on the body’s perception and response to certain foods, NLP can help relieve the symptoms associated with allergies and intolerances. Stress management: As stress is often an obstacle to changing eating behavior, NLP offers strategies to better manage it, preventing it from becoming a barrier to achieving your nutritional goals. Improvement of self-image: NLP works on limiting beliefs and thoughts to improve self-esteem and body image, which are crucial for a healthy relationship between food and self. Eating Habits Management: By changing patterns of thinking and behavior at a profound level, NLP helps to replace bad eating habits with healthier choices in a sustainable way. By integrating NLP into your nutritional journey, I accompany you beyond the purely nutritional aspects, also addressing the psychological and behavioral dimensions of your well-being.
NLP is a valuable tool for improving the relationship between food and body image. By changing limiting beliefs and strengthening motivation, NLP helps develop healthy eating habits and improves self-esteem. My NLP training focuses on using these techniques to help you adopt a positive and benevolent approach to diet and your body, aimed at sustainable well-being.
I integrate NLP into nutritional plans, especially for people with eating disorders, either during regular follow-up sessions or through specific coaching sessions. This approach is adopted in cases where more in-depth exploration is needed for the client’s well-being. NLP is used to address the thinking patterns and behaviors that contribute to eating disorders, helping to change these patterns at a profound level. This method helps to work on the underlying causes of eating disorders, such as negative beliefs around diet and body image, thus offering a pathway to a more holistic and lasting cure.
Combining NPL with nutritional monitoring offers several long-term benefits, including Changing stability: By addressing the roots of eating behaviors, this combination helps prevent the return to old habits, thereby promoting a healthy and stable lifestyle in the long term. Overall well-being: The holistic approach not only improves the relationship with food but also makes you feel better in your body and mind, addressing the psychological aspects of eating. Growth of knowledge and skills: It equips individuals with the tools and strategies needed to make informed food choices, develop their nutrition knowledge, and strengthen their emotional and behavioral management skills. In short, integrating LPG into nutritional monitoring creates a solid foundation for sustainable well-being, encouraging profound personal change that goes beyond just eating.
I am equipped to accompany you in your weight loss or weight gain goal, whether for fat reduction or muscle gain. My approach is entirely customized to suit your specific goals while taking care of your overall health. I will provide you with the best recommendations based on the latest research in nutrition and eating behavior, taking into account your preferences, lifestyle, and any existing medical conditions. My goal is to guide you towards lasting and positive changes to and maintain your ideal weight in a healthy and balanced way.
Managing food allergies or dietary restrictions depends on their specific nature. However, thanks to the use of neurolinguistic programming (NPL) techniques, I can treat certain food intolerances, alleviate allergies, and identify foods that really cannot be eaten. My approach is to adapt your nutritional plan so that it is not only safe and respectful of your restrictions, but also enriching and satisfying. We will work together to find nutritious and tasty alternatives that align with your specific needs while ensuring that your diet remains balanced and favorable to your overall well-being.
I offer nutritional advice for children and adolescents. By establishing a relationship of trust with them, my goal is to guide them towards healthy dietary changes positively and engagingly, without it being perceived as a constraint or punishment. My approach focuses on nutrition education playfully and interactively, highlighting the importance of a varied and balanced diet for their growth and development. Together, we work to establish healthy eating habits that can be maintained over the long term while taking into account their tastes and preferences.
(For example, keep a food journal and list health goals.) There is no need to prepare specific items before your first consultation, such as keeping a food journal or listing health goals. However, come to the consultation with a general idea of your expectations and questions you might find useful to maximize our time together. I will guide you through the process of discovering your eating and health habits to customize your nutritional plan. However, any information you consider important and wish to share is welcome.
(Medical records, test results) It is not strictly necessary to bring specific documents for your first consultation. However, blood tests and health records that are less than a year old are welcome. This information can help me better understand your overall health and further personalize your nutritional plan. If you have access to such documents and think they might be relevant to our session, I encourage you to bring them.
At your first consultation, you can expect to meet a professional listening to you, dedicated to understanding your personal nutrition and wellness needs and goals. We will start by discussing your current eating habits, your lifestyle, and any specific health issues you want to address. My goal is to provide you with a better understanding of the direction your nutrition monitoring will take and to start developing a customized plan that naturally fits into your daily routine. This first meeting is an opportunity to build a relationship of trust and lay the foundations for an adequate and effective nutritional health path.
A nutrition review consultation typically lasts 2 hours, divided into a 1-hour in-person session followed by a 30-minute online session to finalize the nutrition plan and answer any additional questions. The follow-up sessions, on the other hand, last approximately one hour. This structure is designed to provide comprehensive support, enabling a detailed assessment of your needs and the establishment of an effective, personalized follow-up.
I will be your main interlocutor for everything related to nutrition and mental support, offering you personalized support in these areas. However, recognizing the importance of a holistic approach to health, I am also able to recommend other health professionals tailored to your specific needs. Whether for medical consultations, physiotherapy, fitness sessions, or other specialties, I can direct you to competent and trusted colleagues to complement your care plan effectively.
To track your progress, different measures are taken during each session, including your weight, measurements, level of satisfaction, stress, internal state, and personal feelings. All this information is consciously recorded in detailed reports, to which you will have access. These reports will enable you to visualize your progress over time, recognize achievements, and understand areas that require more attention. This methodical approach ensures a comprehensive assessment of your progress and promotes continuous adaptation of your nutrition and wellness plan to best meet your needs.
If you have any questions or need recommendations after your consultation, I am at your disposal 7 days a day via WhatsApp. Do not hesitate to contact me for any questions or support you may need outside of our meetings. My goal is to provide you with continuous support and to respond promptly to your concerns to facilitate your journey of well-being and nutrition.
To make an appointment, you can contact me by email at or by telephone at +41 78 974 64 41. Choose the method of communication that best suits you and I will be happy to set a date and time for our consultation with you. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or to discuss your nutritional and wellness goals. What is your cancellation or postponement policy? My cancellation or postponement policy requires you to contact me at least 48 hours in advance if you need to cancel or postpone your appointment. You can contact me by email, phone, or WhatsApp to notify me of any changes. This policy allows me to reorganize my time efficiently and offer your niche to another waiting client. I thank you for your understanding and cooperation in ensuring that the consultations are running smoothly.
Meetings can be made up to 24 hours in advance, depending on my availability. I encourage you to plan your consultation as early as possible to ensure the niche that best suits you, but I also understand that last-minute needs may arise.
The cost of a consultation varies depending on the type of appointment. • Nutritional balance (2 hours): The first appointment, or nutritional balance, is charged CHF 150. This in-depth session allows me to understand your eating habits and lifestyle and to establish a personalized nutritional plan. • Follow-up appointment (1 hour): The follow-up consultations are charged CHF 120. These appointments allow you to review your progress, adjust your nutrition plan if necessary, and answer any questions or concerns. These rates reflect our commitment to providing you with personalized and quality support for your health and well-being goals.
In some cases, yes, I propose packages or discounts for multiple sessions, to make nutrition monitoring more accessible and profitable in the long term. To get more details about these offers and discuss the option that best suits your needs, I invite you to contact me directly by email or by phone. This will allow me to provide you with personalized information and answer all your specific questions about the available packages.
I am firmly committed to professional secrecy, ensuring the complete confidentiality of the information shared by my clients. However, to enrich the experience and follow-up of my new clients, I may be prompted to use the experiences and cases of my previous clients as examples or references in my practice. It is important to note that all this information is strictly anonymous and is used only for educational and knowledge-sharing purposes, never revealing any identity or personal details. My priority is to create a safe and trusted space for all my clients while providing them with advice and support of the highest quality.

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